Wednesday, August 4, 2010

New Scenery Pics

Here are a few pics that my friend John Burnett photographed of our area:

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Making of a Fool

The fool says in his heart, "there is no God" Psalm 14:1.

In the first Chapter of Romans, Paul tells us that God gave over some folks to their passions, sins and lusts. It must be understood, that these people "knew God" (Rom 1:21), but they didn't honor Him, nor acknowledge Him as God.

I believe that is a powerful message for the church today. We don't want to be those that God said honor Him with their lips. We want to be a church/people that honors Him with our whole heart and mind. God gave these people described in Romans 1, over to their sins because they "chose" the passing pleasures of sin over God Himself. They exchanged the truth for a lie he tells us in v25.

We hear a lot of what is being espoused as "gospel" from our pulpits today. We have many who are guilty as those in the letter to the Galatians of adding to the Gospel. They would say, salvation is found in Christ, but you have to carry the right translation, or you must dress a certain way. That is as far out there as the health, wealth, and prosperity gospels that many are preaching today. Be on guard! Anyone who adds man-made rules, or teaches any other gospel than the One, True Gospel is a false teacher!

Pastor Ralph