Since moving to the mountains, I have had to learn a new language. I thought that I would share a few of the words with you:
you'ns = Kinda like you all. It really means you ones.
retched - That is the past tense of reach. "Jesus retched down from heaven and got a hold on me."
Baccar - that is tobacco.
cane chew = ie, "Cane chew do it?"
a pire = "Cane chew hang that hammock a pire?" (up higher).
Learn can be used synonymously with teach. "I will learn you a new song."
Wiffer - "If your wife is going to the store, are you gonna go wiffer?"
Tine - "Today we are going to work on tine your shoes." Paula actually said that to a little girl at school, and she had no idea what Paula was talking about. My wife has acclimated so easily.
Rook - Apparently, this is the past tense of rake. "I rook that area already." (Thanks Bobby Osborne)
Anothern - another one
A Right Smart - Apparently this is the same as "quite a bit." (Actual conversation) "How much paint is left in the can?" "A right smart."
Wims - That is the same as Williams
Arry - synonomous with any
I will keep 'em comin'.
Here's one fur ye....
Jeet yet???
(did you eat yet?)
OMG, so funny! Don't pick up on to many new vocabulary words. I don't think those are legit.
You are sooo funny I will write those down and share them with my friends!!!
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